I am releasing today the first version of OmniComment. People can now leave comments not only on here, but also anywhere on my site. It’ll now be obvious that I have no friends ;)

It’s available here: [[OmniComment http://www.rutschle.net/tech/omnicomment.shtml]]

Old comments that had been posted on Haloscan will be re-installed soon.

In terms of installation, all the details for OmniComment are in the tar ball for the server side. On the client side and for TiddlyWiki integration, you’ll need OmniPlugin, which works fine but doesn’t yet have all the meta-data that TiddlyWiki suggests. It should be as simple as copying OmniPlugin in your TiddlyWiki, and adding a line in ViewTemplate to add the comment link. You will however need to change something in //omni.cgi// (search for “ugly hack”, it’ll be obvious what you need to do).